Voltage to Ampere Calculation

Voltage to Ampere Calculation



Electrical Electronic Engineering Calculator

Convert Voltage (V) to Ampere (A) Calculation

To convert volts to amps , Please provide the values below:

Volts To Amps Calculator

To calculate volts and ohm to amps DC circuit, use the following formula:

Ohm’s Law, we can state that voltage (V) is equal to electrical current (A) times the resistance (Ω).The Ohm’s Law formula states that the current (I) in amps is equal to the voltage (V) in volts divided by the resistance (R) in ohms (Ω).

volts and ohm to amps formula

To calculate volts and watts to amps DC circuit, use the following formula:

The power formula, voltage (v) is equal to the power (w) delivered to a device divided by the current (A) that flows through it.The current (I) in amps is equal to the power (P) in watts divided by the voltage (V) in volts

volts and watts to amps formula

For Example 01

If an DC motor takes 20v and 50Ω . Calculate the current (Amp) of the motor.


V= 20V ,R = 500Ω

We Know
I (A) = V(V) ÷ R(Ω)
I(A) = 20 ÷ 50
I(A) = 0.4
I= 0.4A

For Example 02

If an DC motor takes 10v and 80Ω . Calculate the current (Amp) of the motor.


V= 10V ,R = 80Ω

We Know
I (A) = V(V) ÷ R(Ω)
I(A) = 10 ÷ 80
I(A) = 0.125
I= 0.125A

For Example 03

If an DC motor takes 10v and 500W . Calculate the current (Amp) of the motor.


V= 10V ,P=500W

We Know
I (A) = P(W) ÷ V(V)
I(A) = 500 ÷ 10
I(A) = 50
I= 50A

For Example 03

If an DC motor takes 120v and 800W . Calculate the current (Amp) of the motor.


V= 120V ,P=800W

We Know
I (A) = P(W) ÷ V(V)
I(A) = 800 ÷ 120
I(A) = 6.667
I= 6.667A

Ampere, short for amperes, are a standard unit to measure the electrical current flowing in an electrical circuit. A current of one Ampere is equivalent to a rate of flow of charge of one Coulomb in one second.

volts and ohm to  amps Calculation

Voltage is the measure of the electric potential in an electric circuit to move an electric charge. It is measured in Voltage; one Volt equals the potential needed to move one Ampere of current against a one ohm (Ω) of resistance.
volts and watts  to amps Calculation

See Also:



Voltage and Resistor to Ampere Table:

volts and ohm to amp chart

Voltage and Watts to Ampere Table Table:

volts and watts to amp chart

Frequently Asked Questions:
What do you convert voltage and ohm to Ampere for?

The Ohm’s Law formula states that the current (I) in amps is equal to the voltage (V) in volts divided by the resistance (R) in ohms (Ω)

What do you convert voltage and watts to Ampere for?

The power formula, voltage (v) is equal to the power (w) delivered to a device divided by the current (A) that flows through it.The current (I) in amps is equal to the power (P) in watts divided by the voltage (V) in volts

What is the formula for Voltage (V) and Ohm (Ω) to Ampere (A) ?

I (A) = V(V) ÷ R(Ω)

What is the formula for Voltage (V) and watts to Ampere (A) ??

I (A) = P(W) ÷ V(V)

What is DC Circuit 200 voltage,500Ω in Amp?

0.4 Ampere

What is DC Circuit 100 voltage,20Ω in current?

5 amperes

What is DC Circuit 50 voltage,2Ω in current?

25 amperes

What is DC Circuit 12 voltage,50w in current?

4.167 Ampere

What is DC Circuit 24 voltage,600w in current?

25 Ampere

What is 9 voltage,20w in current?

2.22 Amps

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